google fu is weak- searching turning up stuff from 2012 and 2015.
I'm referrring to France and Germany turning a blind eye and allowing Greece to join the Eurozone despite their numbers being clearly fudged. Of course it could all have been a dream, in which case I need to see someone as that is particularly boring thing to dream about.
Flipping it around- Greece went to the polls and that resulted in electing an anti -austerity government which the other members of the EU then set about breaking to return them to neolib austerity based measures.
I never quite got why Greece was allowed to leave as everyone knew they didn't pay their taxes. The resulting mess was partially their fault as they signed an agreement that clearly stated what they were supposed to do.
But what happened afterwards with how it was handled by the EU is no shining example. But then, USA would be the same, IMF ... the same. Unless you borrow from Cuba, but you can't I believe...
Perhaps for future we just need to all Crowdfund each other and leave the banks out of it. Mad idea? Sure, but why not.
What are the underhanded activities which they should be drawing attention to? Linkz plz.