I get that, but only if the no-fly list was anything other than the half-arsed "has a name that sounds a little like a suspect we once knew but actually it's just because they are a bit brown" that it is. cf. FBI lists etc...
For the 'Merkins, the second amendment is all about bearing arms* for when their gubmint need a slap-down.
Having that right arbitrarily curtailed is the gubmint taking the piss.
* where arms == guns, and nobody can agree on what a militia is, or when one can have one, or who can have one, other than various supreme court / state rulings.
Aside from the whole "everyone having access to assault weapons and concealed carry handguns being utterly fucking stupid" argument, this is exactly as it should be - not being afforded your rights on the basis of unchecked arbitrary shitlists is about as unconstitutional as it gets.