When you short insurance, don't call it a race. As there is no prize money, it's a ride.
I used insureandgo last year. I've used them before and made a big claim with them when I was really ill while in NZ. They sorted everything no issue. So I just use them mostly now.
It's called a race though. If it comes to actually needing insurance, you might want to think again about saving that £20 if it means they don't pay out because you weren't accurate when buying it? I dunno, I'm just paranoid.
I confirmed with insureandgo that they considered it cycle touring. As above confirm yourself with whomever. Obviously I'm not saying don't do your due diligence. Just that I did insure with insureandgo and they considered it cycle touring.
I'm not bothering with any jabs.
When you short insurance, don't call it a race. As there is no prize money, it's a ride.
I used insureandgo last year. I've used them before and made a big claim with them when I was really ill while in NZ. They sorted everything no issue. So I just use them mostly now.