Can you make an intermediary sheet - i.e. one that takes your time recording output, and reformats it into the columns needed in the right order for the work spreadsheet. then you can just do a copy paste.
For example, if Time Recoder outputs:
Col A | Col B | Col C | Col D
Date | Time start | Time End | Client
and the work spreadsheet needs:
Client | Date | Total hourse
Then you can write a sheet that formulas off the time recoder sheet thus:
Client | Date | Total hours
= ColD | =ColA | =ColC - ColB
Can you make an intermediary sheet - i.e. one that takes your time recording output, and reformats it into the columns needed in the right order for the work spreadsheet. then you can just do a copy paste.
For example, if Time Recoder outputs:
Col A | Col B | Col C | Col D
Date | Time start | Time End | Client
and the work spreadsheet needs:
Client | Date | Total hourse
Then you can write a sheet that formulas off the time recoder sheet thus:
Client | Date | Total hours
= ColD | =ColA | =ColC - ColB
Any use?