I overheard more than one person cursing the wind and how it had messed up their entire annual PB chances. Weird.
@umop3pisdn nice to see you again fella. Hope you went well..I managed the club record albeit with 70psi in the rear tyre by the time I got home!
Good ride - you utterly stuffed me.
Certainly didn't feel like a fast day, though my legs weren't firing to well either. Had to stop at the first roundabout too which really fucks up that whole section. @ewanmac was there too, how was your ride in the end?
2016 Vs 2014, which was basically the opposite conditions:
Yes, I rode it and so did @umop3pisdn
I got a 21.48 which was another improvement on my PB. Apparently the wind was in the wrong direction. I like the fact that it's not a straight out and back, so it's easier to mentally break down the ride into sections. That and the massive gift hill.