• The problem with bullshit is that it takes a lot more time and effort to refute and disprove it than it does to state it in the first place.

    The view from the Overton Window has changed dramatically for the worse over the last decade because enough bullshit has been stated and repeated that it doesn't matter if it's bullshit or not, people believe it to be true. It's their reality and if the polls are to be believed, it's almost half the country.

    We are through the looking glass.

    People can literally say anything to further their cause and they can say it without regards to the truth or the consequences.

    It's 25 minutes long and it's likely that those who prefer to remain insular, uninformed and politically illiterate are not going to watch it because of 'common sense, sovereignty and immigrants' but I'm sharing it in the hope that it might get through to someone.

