Cleverly bought a bargain Ultegra 10spd cassette - 12-30T. Thought I could whack it on the bike without a compact chainset to give myself slightly better climbing gears. Turns out my old tech 10spd Rival derailleur wont get up to the 30T without interfering on the jockey wheel. Do I need WiFli or long cage rear mech? Any reason I couldn't use a MTB mech? Could also just bin the idea if it's more than £30.
Cleverly bought a bargain Ultegra 10spd cassette - 12-30T. Thought I could whack it on the bike without a compact chainset to give myself slightly better climbing gears. Turns out my old tech 10spd Rival derailleur wont get up to the 30T without interfering on the jockey wheel. Do I need WiFli or long cage rear mech? Any reason I couldn't use a MTB mech? Could also just bin the idea if it's more than £30.