My then girlfriend (later wife) invited one of her workmates to live with us after our previous mate left. The little fat fuck then proceeded to take advantage of my naive and vulnerable girlfriend and try and get her into his bed rather than mine. Rather than smash his fucking face in I introduced him to a Canadian girl who got together with him, and he emigrated to Canada with her and they set up home thousands of miles away. It was then that I told her of his previous behaviour and how he had been shagging his ex while they were going out together.
No amount of fucking up some philandering disloyal annoying cunt's life is too much.
My then girlfriend (later wife) invited one of her workmates to live with us after our previous mate left. The little fat fuck then proceeded to take advantage of my naive and vulnerable girlfriend and try and get her into his bed rather than mine. Rather than smash his fucking face in I introduced him to a Canadian girl who got together with him, and he emigrated to Canada with her and they set up home thousands of miles away. It was then that I told her of his previous behaviour and how he had been shagging his ex while they were going out together.
No amount of fucking up some philandering disloyal annoying cunt's life is too much.