Yeah, loads of memories, and it's really making me want to do it again. I've penciled in 2018 for my second run at it.
Highlights. So many. The great basin was incredibly beautiful, and incredibly horrible, in two halves. The first half being beautiful, hot, dry, vast, aurora borealis in monochrome at night, herds of mustang running alongside, then the second half was oil fields, fracking wells, and roughnecks driving 40 ton trucks too fast on gravel too close for comfort.
Then a long drag through southern Wyoming into Colorado. Just before Savery, there are proper suicidal jack-rabbits, and I killed one with my left pedal. There was bunny fluff on the pedal when I arrived at Brush Mountain Lodge that night.
Bet some great memories of the race are flooding back as you get jogged of forgotten moments.
Any highlights?