haha, not to sound like a hipster prick but i was into maxime's stuff about 5 years ago and emailed him about booking in, but after a few emails he stopped replying and i wasn't bothered about chasing it at the time.... now he's one of the most expensive artists in london and i'm not paying what i think is an extortionate price to get tattooed because >>>>>>>
had this done today by kola, it's based on the best/most emo statue i've ever seen, at the cimitero monumentale in milan. it was going to be a shin job but i didn't have enough space so it's on the calf:
i was really close to the knee ditch, do not want.
never really seen the point of putting a load of sunscreen on my tattoos, especially in the uk.... but then again i'm a fan of scars, blastovers and pretty dodgy tattoos. doesn't really bother me, the ink is going to fade or get mashed up whatever happens, especially if you're a cyclist and you've got your legs out a lot, and the odd errant pedal catching you on the shin or brambles scratching your arms is likely to happen. if you wanted the design preserved you should have got it framed, not tattooed on you (my 2p). but to echo what someone else said, you can't really over-do sunscreen. the effectiveness will plateau but it sounds like your attitude necessitates the reassurance
kola is finishing off my other shin tomorrow, but i'm also looking for someone for do my elbow crook. suggestions from the floor? black linework (quelle surprise), some detailing/thinner linework/shading, floral. a la:
myra oh
? think this is rebecca vincent
artist unknown