Printing as a possible alternative to machining a billet?
... but I've no idea how much it would cost to contract out...
I did some digging at work around that, I've got both printing and single crystal casting (we have the ability to print one off forms to form a casting shell) facilities available to me. For both the costs are astronomical and I think it'd be wise to avoid pissing the production line managers with my own projects.
@MCamb cheers for that, edited the post to suit
@Dogtemple rim will be an aluminium box section from here:
I could buy the hub from there, but I managed to code the dimensions for square tapers into a CNC program at work, so could potentially be fancy and have a custom hub produced if I can track down a decent sized billet.
@Skülly I reckon being especially nice to someone like Sapim could get me some overly long blanks, although may need to get something tougher than standard (14?) gauge spokes and roll a thread into them