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  • I'm concerned by all this talk of "increases in power". Putting on a smaller back sprocket to get a longer gear doesn't give you a bigger engine (stronger legs) it just means that you get more speed for your legs doing the same rpm, but it's a harder gear to push uphill and from a standstill (also harder to skid if you're into that kind of thing). Some people like to spin, some people like slower legs and to put in a bit more effort. Go with whatever works for you and gear up if your legs can't keep up with the speed you want to go and you think you can handle slower starts and harder hills.

    It makes effectively no difference whether you go for a bigger chainring or a smaller sprocket. Put your options in here to see the ratios and differences between them. Also look at the forum thread here for many comments on what's ideal (YMMV obviously).

    My two penn'orth: round London 44/16 (72.5 gear inches) is fine unless you're in a terrible rush or hate spinning. I happily run 42/17 (65.2 gear inches).


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