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  • I want to get one of those DIY make your own strat kits, has anyone done these before?
    Any recommendations of which one to get, which wood for the body etc?
    Any good mod ideas?
    (this is partly inspired by Joe's mosrite copy)

  • I've built a 'saga' tele which are the generic cheapo Chinese ones... kind of a waste of time - the body is actually ok - it's a c.5 piece with incredible thick sealer on it. The neck you'd bin and you'd have to replace the hardware; overall fun, but not worth the effort you'd put into finishing it.

    I think Precision and Warmoth are probably the best ones if you want to end up with something decent, but they're a bit spendy.

    Ben Crowe at Crimson guitars was making a big deal of making kit guitars and separate bodies / necks a while back but I think has scaled back on the idea - he might be worth hitting up though, he often does them in fairly interesting British woods.

    If you're just looking for a body, perhaps somewhere like guitarfetish might be a reasonable place to go. You'd probably get stung for import tax, but they're pretty reasonable (and often finished!). A while back they bought a massive factory of old bodies from somewhere and were selling them off very cheaply.

    In the past I've picked up a MIJ body on ebay for about £30 (it was a few years ago mind) and stripped and re-finished it.
