It sounds like you might need the patience of a saint with those Manzanita seeds: 'Seeds may take a year to germinate' ???
Yeah kinda aware I'm in this for the long haul. Still, the seeds were only £4 posted and they sent 7, not 5 so that's something to feel positive about. Great read, thanks for the link.
But yeah, a year staring at dirt willing something to happen is daunting. If only everything was as easy to grow as raspberries/peas/weeds...
Through work I know a shit ton of gardeners who work for very picky/squillionaire clients so have also recruited them in the hunt for a living specimen in a pot. Surely somewhere there's a nursery in the UK with a few knocking around..Some ace work happening in this thread, personally I'm rarely interested in any plant too small to climb/fall out of but getting super excited at the prospect of having a balcony.
^^ +1, very snazzy looking indeed.
Looking for some balcony inspiration. Finally get keys to our new place new week. 5m x 3m balcony to play with. Looking to predominantly grow soft fruit and maybe a spot of veg with minimum of fuss and mess. Not that fussed about flowers tbh. Def getting some railing planters to retain as much floor space as possible.
Also, spotted this while bumbling around Ikea the other day, anyone have any experience with them or similar for salad and herbs? Part of me suspects it's a bit of a gimmick or a thinly veiled way of facilitating people growing weed on a tiny scale and nothing that can't be done cheaper/better on a sunny windowsill :/
In other news, my Manzanita seeds arrived; they look far too fragile and delicate to set fire to....