This morning 8 am, Markhouse Road. I was on foot, observed a cyclist proceeding south along the road with a police van behind. As the police van overtakes, driver shouts something at cyclist along the lines of "use the bike lane, it's what it's there for!" Cyclist politely asks police to pull over so they can discuss this point, which they do.
The "cycle lane" on Markhouse Rd is a joke; alternates between a 2 ft wide strip of red paint on the pavement and a 2 ft wide demarcation (white lines) on the road, both of which are just ignored by most other road users.
Police should know better than to dish out this "advice" / harassment?
Ask old bill to remind officers that yelling at cyclists concentrating on staying alive is a bloody stupid thing to do. Coppers yelling road safety advice out of van windows, ffs.
This morning 8 am, Markhouse Road. I was on foot, observed a cyclist proceeding south along the road with a police van behind. As the police van overtakes, driver shouts something at cyclist along the lines of "use the bike lane, it's what it's there for!" Cyclist politely asks police to pull over so they can discuss this point, which they do.
The "cycle lane" on Markhouse Rd is a joke; alternates between a 2 ft wide strip of red paint on the pavement and a 2 ft wide demarcation (white lines) on the road, both of which are just ignored by most other road users.
Police should know better than to dish out this "advice" / harassment?
Well done to cyclist for calling him out on it.