Just bought a monitor. AOC IPS thingy. Cheapish. From PCWorld. There's a cluster of six or so pixels which have a dark grey tint to them. They're not black, not white, not a colour. They don't seem to be visible when displaying black, and they do show colour through them (if I paint one red pixel on one of them, it looks red. If I make the screen red, you can see that it's a darker grey spot). Everything I've read about dead/stuck pixels only talks about black or coloured. Help?
Just bought a monitor. AOC IPS thingy. Cheapish. From PCWorld. There's a cluster of six or so pixels which have a dark grey tint to them. They're not black, not white, not a colour. They don't seem to be visible when displaying black, and they do show colour through them (if I paint one red pixel on one of them, it looks red. If I make the screen red, you can see that it's a darker grey spot). Everything I've read about dead/stuck pixels only talks about black or coloured. Help?