the cool impossible by eric orton has a wealth of ankle strengthening techniques in it.
the only downside is it's literally the most eye bleedingly hard thing to read as he writes it all in some super wanky third person tense where he pretends you've paid money to go and train with him that reads like some weird non sexual cybersex story ""We are driving out to my favorite trailhead, you see a bear cub off to your right. That's Grand Teton over there. Drink it in. This natural beauty is recharging your soul." * pukes on cock *
the thing is the exercises and stuff hidden within is really good. buy it in hard copy so you can just bookmark the bits you need and skip the bullshit.
I might just go and see a physio and ask them to tell me what to do. Ain't nobody got time for reading books. I ran 10k yesterday with no pain but my ankle has a thick blue stripe down the middle so I should probably take it easy.
the cool impossible by eric orton has a wealth of ankle strengthening techniques in it.
the only downside is it's literally the most eye bleedingly hard thing to read as he writes it all in some super wanky third person tense where he pretends you've paid money to go and train with him that reads like some weird non sexual cybersex story ""We are driving out to my favorite trailhead, you see a bear cub off to your right. That's Grand Teton over there. Drink it in. This natural beauty is recharging your soul." * pukes on cock *
the thing is the exercises and stuff hidden within is really good. buy it in hard copy so you can just bookmark the bits you need and skip the bullshit.