I have a toilet problem. Newly fitted bathroom in second floor purpose built 1930s flat. Waste pipes boxed away with no access without a ball-ache thanks to previous owner.
Toilet flushes fine for a few uses but after a while the water level backs up when flushed and drains slowly, usually after a Donald Trump. A large bucket of water poured quickly into the pan seems to clear the blockage but only for a few uses until the problem happens again.
I like having a toilet with a flush powerful enough to dispose of a dead otter. What am I most likely to be looking at? Inadequately angled waste pipe? Blockage where waste pipe meets waste stack? Too much red meat in my diet?
What would be my best bet for getting it sorted? Plumber? Drain company?
Is there anything I can do myself? I've had my hand round the u-bend but didn't find anything unexpected.
I have a toilet problem. Newly fitted bathroom in second floor purpose built 1930s flat. Waste pipes boxed away with no access without a ball-ache thanks to previous owner.
Toilet flushes fine for a few uses but after a while the water level backs up when flushed and drains slowly, usually after a Donald Trump. A large bucket of water poured quickly into the pan seems to clear the blockage but only for a few uses until the problem happens again.
I like having a toilet with a flush powerful enough to dispose of a dead otter. What am I most likely to be looking at? Inadequately angled waste pipe? Blockage where waste pipe meets waste stack? Too much red meat in my diet?
What would be my best bet for getting it sorted? Plumber? Drain company?
Is there anything I can do myself? I've had my hand round the u-bend but didn't find anything unexpected.