Bit the bullet and bought a Speedheater Cobra. Thanks for the tip, will keep you (all) posted on results.
Btw I also tried out the Tensid paint stripper, and it was pretty good actually. Though it only ate through one layer at a time and then sort of became denatured. So I can imagine it being really quite costly over a large surface, plus it makes a total mess!!! yuck! But fumes weren't too harsh on the upside.
I'd be very surprised if you don't love the cobra, just be careful what you point it at. The liquid paint stripper experience is normally disappointing and messy.
Bit the bullet and bought a Speedheater Cobra. Thanks for the tip, will keep you (all) posted on results.
Btw I also tried out the Tensid paint stripper, and it was pretty good actually. Though it only ate through one layer at a time and then sort of became denatured. So I can imagine it being really quite costly over a large surface, plus it makes a total mess!!! yuck! But fumes weren't too harsh on the upside.