IM Wales (Tenby) in September.
Daughter was going for a sleepover straight from school so I had extra hours on my usual training day (don't work Fridays) so I thought I'd make best use of the extra time. Lasted ok in the evening for friend's birthday drinks too, ended up in Pix Pintxos when the pub shut and even stayed awake on the night bus home. My word I needed the lie-in this morning.
Feeling it all today though. Hangover fading but quads sore and a slight ache in one calf but nothing that won't go away in a short while. Massive bruise on knee from Thursday's 5-a-side has come up nicely too.
Will see how legs are feeling for a gentle 10k run tomorrow morning. Need to as I've been avoiding the running in the last couple of weeks.
T1 was 56 minutes (out of pool, get changed, walk 1km home via shops, faff, have a drink and something to eat, get changed into cycling stuff, sort out bottles, get bike out of bike bunker, pump up tyres, chat to neighbour, eventually set off).
T2 was 21 minutes (get home, sign for parcel for upstairs neighbour, put bike away, get changed into running stuff, faff, rehydrate, faff some more, finally get under way)
4000m pool swim (1:13:40), 60k cycle (2:29:02), 14k run (1:44:16 - I went bang!).
So 1/3 Ironman but with a full Ironman swim.
I feel a bit tired, and I'm 4kg lighter than when I started.
Run was horrid. Way too warm for me and I'd drunk my water by the half way point (despite pre-hydrating). First 7k done in 44:44, second 7k in just under an hour; had to stop for a total of 10 minutes halfway and at various points on the way back.
I'll be asleep in the pub in about 2 hours.