2 bed flat though, how many circuits do you reckon? I'd guess maybe 6. Cooker, Kitchen Ring, maybe 2 lighting, 2 socket rings or maybe 1 and a shower circuit. If the CU isn't plastic it wouldn't be cracked, so wiring is possibly 70's onwards at worse. £100 or less for the CU and bits/bobs, £250 for a days work/signing it off + any extra stuff on top. Chances are they check the Zs at the most likely highest spot and whizz through the box ticking. Most obvious problem would be RCD tripping from a borrowed neutral on the hallway lights. If on the other hand you have to disconnect 60 12v downlighters to run an IR test, I can totally see your point.
Of course you could be cynical and suggest that they give you a low basic price then it's a lot of sucking through the teeth and chin stroking when the job starts and the extras pile up. Come to think of it it's not that cynical.
Of course you could be cynical and suggest that they give you a low basic price then it's a lot of sucking through the teeth and chin stroking when the job starts and the extras pile up. Come to think of it it's not that cynical.
standard fucking practice for the housing sector, but then 90% of householders are to put it bluntly, cunts
£350 is very, very cheap. A fuseboard replacement requires a full test of the house wiring however so you'll be expecting a lot of faults that need rectifying if its old wiring.