No soldering for fitting the cable with those, no. It's exactly the same as the Shimano one if you need impromptu spares btw.
As for wiring it depends a little on what lights you have, but normally you run the front directly from the dynamo and the rear runs off the front (B&M lights have a second pair of leads for this, I think Exposure do too). Run the Plug/D1 in parallel with the front light (the D1 explicitly tells you to do this), so in effect you take the two +ve leads from the light and charger and plug them into the dynamo, likewise with the two -ve/ground leads.
I've just ordered a load of these so I can chop and change my lights without too much faff - you might find that a convenient and secure way to change between the two chargers etc. They do need to be soldered, but you should be able to fit two leads into one connector, allowing you to easily make Y-joints for things in parallel.
Supernova Triple front and its matching rear light. I've not looked at how they connect to each other.
If the light cable is clamped and pushfit onto the hub, I presume there is little room for the D1 cable in the same connector? Or should I buy a spare 3x connectors and then wire it up like a splitter somehow so I can have the D1 and the Lights plugged in? Or just swap out the light for the D1 every morning/evening?
So, the SP Dynamo uses this push-fit connector:
Presume that means no soldering on this bit and it just clamps the cables on?
What's the best way to be wiring up the PlugIII or D1 USB chargers and the lights? Is there soldering required or should I be looking at a splitter or some more of these SP dynamo connectors? Has someone done this and blogged the process?