For the last month I've been leaving Peckham at about 0715 to get to South Ken before the temperature got too high and traffic too I decided to have a bit of a lay in and left at 0845. Oh my god, the clusterfuck traffic and pedestrians all over the shop was shocking after not doing it for a while! I really can't believe I used to optionally cycle at that time everyday; back to the 0645 alarm I think!
For the last month I've been leaving Peckham at about 0715 to get to South Ken before the temperature got too high and traffic too I decided to have a bit of a lay in and left at 0845. Oh my god, the clusterfuck traffic and pedestrians all over the shop was shocking after not doing it for a while! I really can't believe I used to optionally cycle at that time everyday; back to the 0645 alarm I think!