Some chump on a poorly converted singlespeed just tootling along filtering badly up the inside while I filtered up the middle. He decides my line is better and cuts me up whilst moving to the center. No big surprise there. But then he decides to empty his right nostril into the air and I get actual splash back onto my face. Shrunk into his shell a bit as I gave him a polite "you cunt" as I cycled past. Absolutely disgusting.
Otherwise, lovely commute. Particularly the smell of freshly cut grass in Battersea Park.
Some chump on a poorly converted singlespeed just tootling along filtering badly up the inside while I filtered up the middle. He decides my line is better and cuts me up whilst moving to the center. No big surprise there. But then he decides to empty his right nostril into the air and I get actual splash back onto my face. Shrunk into his shell a bit as I gave him a polite "you cunt" as I cycled past. Absolutely disgusting.
Otherwise, lovely commute. Particularly the smell of freshly cut grass in Battersea Park.