@chrisbmx116 its useful for me to know how your building is set up. So now its a block of converted flats, its to determine whether you have a shared supply with the other residents or you have separate supplies? Possibly the easier way to know is you have x number of flats, OSV outside i.e atplas boxes
When you have the tank your pressure was gravity fed. How long ago was it removed?
@rive_gauche cheers however i stop at plumbing.
@chrisbmx116 its useful for me to know how your building is set up. So now its a block of converted flats, its to determine whether you have a shared supply with the other residents or you have separate supplies? Possibly the easier way to know is you have x number of flats, OSV outside i.e atplas boxes
When you have the tank your pressure was gravity fed. How long ago was it removed?