Somebody who joined a Dutch anti immigration party, originally from I immigrant origin vua his parents, justified it with "the current ones are lazy not like my parents generation".
As research indicates as generations go on immigrants become more like the "natives" perhaps he has a point. Still. They should have stopped the French and Germans hundreds of years ago. And picts and Saxons and Vikings and... ;)
I had an interesting arguement with two mates today during pub lunch. They live in Watford and St Albans, both adamant for brexit, both with immigrant parents and still have family ties in Europe. I can only assume that not living in a cosmopolitan city gives them a jaded view of Brussels. I basically called them Tory racist cnuts, we did however polish off three portions of skate wing, no doubt caught by Portuguese fishermen in British waters and sold via billings gate market and two fine bottles of crisp French vognier White wine, large pot of freshly brewed Italian coffee, served by a Polish waitress