Top spirit ad441! The route is so isolated the option to bail is really daunting, and to carry on riding with the potential for a critical bike failure. Awesome job to overcome it mentally, I'm sure you must be pleased now you got to complete the route in perfect conditions. I think we passed you when it had just happened, someone said at our 2nd stop at Kings you weren't just trimming the gears and relayed the whole story. ....I thought to myself it doesn't really get any more audax as I tried to find my dropbag amongst the sleeping bodies laid on the floor.
Top spirit ad441! The route is so isolated the option to bail is really daunting, and to carry on riding with the potential for a critical bike failure. Awesome job to overcome it mentally, I'm sure you must be pleased now you got to complete the route in perfect conditions. I think we passed you when it had just happened, someone said at our 2nd stop at Kings you weren't just trimming the gears and relayed the whole story. ....I thought to myself it doesn't really get any more audax as I tried to find my dropbag amongst the sleeping bodies laid on the floor.