I agree. I use the beer substitte (cheaper):
"It’s the scent from fermenting yeast that attracts the slug, so if the thought of wasting good beer is just too distressing, an equally potent attractant can be concocted from:
2 cups of warm water
2 tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon of sugar
½ teaspoon of yeast
...and mix well"Combined with these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-x-BEER-SLUG-SNAIL-SAFE-SIMPLE-EASY-TRAP-TRAPS-NO-CHEMICALS-GARDEN-SOIL-GRASS-/191866612547?hash=item2cac242b43:g:E4kAAOSwWF5XLi~v
I'm collecting lodas of them. That said all my stuff is stil being eaten. I keep finding lots of other slugs around my allotment :(
Beer traps - http://www.slugoff.co.uk/killing-slugs/beer-trap