• #12977
1-2km/h average speed difference is far too small to make a conclusion from, especially when it's usually depend whether you're on form or not.
• #12978
I think that is the expected action - it's what I do heading east too. that or sit in the new bit of space between the highway and the road, but that feels a bit exposed to me.
• #12979
I ride with my housemate quite a lot. He used to exclusively ride his Dawes Galaxy with 32c Marathon Plus tyres. I'd basically be on the front the whole ride. Then he went out and got a carbon fancy and fuck me, I could hardly keep up. Massive difference in top speed and acceleration.
• #12980
Yeah, I did the second option once or twice too, but as I couldn't actually see a light whilst I was waiting I had no idea whether I was crossing against a light, particularly the ped crossing at the end of the bridge. It's not a massive inconvenience to do the Queen Street loop, but it just seems bizarre to me that the system is so prescriptive in some sections and just leaves you to guess in others. Maybe they'll add a bunch of signs once they've finished the whole thing.
• #12981
I always wondered that an used to just push across the pedestrian crossing but it took ages so found another route through pimlico, hence going straight on. But then I saw people doing what you suggest/already do and thought that's a neat way to get over. I find those lights are pretty much always red so just scooting over to the right to join doesn't seem that bad...
• #12982
If you want superhighway joy, you should follow it further west until you get to the speed bumps...
• #12983
I like/prefer those speed bumps to almost every one in london. The profile is fairly gentle if a little excessive on the height change.
• #12984
umadbro?! Although I do think they've evened them out a little since they went in. I saw someone get serious air off one with a boris bike the other evening. Whoever's in charge has decided they're serious enough to warrant 'Caution' 'Ramp' signs!
• #12985
Speed bumps, and oncoming promuter racers.
• #12986
That's an average of averages, based on distance, HR and perceived efforts. Don't ask to see my working please ;)
• #12987
Great commute in this morning, just missed the heavy rain and it was all misty and grey and cool, and the legs felt good and after sitting in the office thinking I'd have to slog it through another downpour tonight, weathers looking up again..
• #12988
I'd quite like to slog it through a downpour. Added drama.
The sun's come out though...
• #12989
Nah I've done it from here, not a pleasant experience fifteen miles of soakedness, glasses fogged, feet squelching, and standing on the front mat undressing so I don't drip oceans of water through my flat...
• #12990
Yeah, when you put it like that...
• #12992
Oh no. In all seriousness this could become a point of debate in the future. Some countries in Europe already have a rule that cycle lanes are not optional.
• #12993
Yeah, but the difference is they are complimenting me.
• #12994
Some countries in Europe already have a rule that cycle lanes are not optional.
We already have that, just people in the UK are mum's about it so it'll look like it's foul upon to not ride in the cycle lane.
• #12995
Ed, that's really hard to decipher... Wut?
• #12996
curious question...any reason for not?
• #12997
Have you not seen one of ed's go pro vids? He don't ride in no cycle lane for no man.
• #12998
we have rules that said we can ride on the road instead, just that nobody want to mention it, or know about it.
• #12999
Ah. OLC's comment was saying that in Europe they have the opposite rule (must ride in cycle lane if present), so when you said "we already have that, but no-one wants to mention it" I was well confused...
• #13000
Ah gotcha, that make sense.
Have they messed that up too? I only ride a short stretch from LB to SB so I use the main carriageway and look at the "Super Highway" that is pointless to me. Going eastward on the same stretch, the right turn into Swan Lane seems to have been removed. I jump off and walk across now.