100 Club are a nice bunch - generally chat to them at smaller races when they're trying to get the numbers up. There were a couple of guys at Orpington on Sat, one is doing 120 maras this year, another is doing 200.
They don't often seem to race though, it's all about bagging the numbers, not the times.
Edit - just googled the guy who's doing 120 this year. Not much online presence, but apparently in 2004 he was the English record holder for maras completed - with 590! Lord knows what total he's on now...
100 Club are a nice bunch - generally chat to them at smaller races when they're trying to get the numbers up. There were a couple of guys at Orpington on Sat, one is doing 120 maras this year, another is doing 200.
They don't often seem to race though, it's all about bagging the numbers, not the times.
Edit - just googled the guy who's doing 120 this year. Not much online presence, but apparently in 2004 he was the English record holder for maras completed - with 590! Lord knows what total he's on now...