A bit of googling shows 280-290 just the chip and exhaust from the turbo back. I know it has a landrover air to air intercooler, and remember something being mentioned about port matching the inlet to the head and the exhaust.
I'm thinking cheap quick shed that I can use for building rubbish transport and then sell on.
Suspect the idea is a bit stoopid as it is a 6 odd hour drive on non toll roads and some twisty bits so maybe a diesel estate would be better (more boring) bigger load areas so C5 or mondeo.
Unless I'm missing something a t5 needs a bit more than a chip and exhaust to make over 300
Rica 305 chip doesn't mean 305bhp, think it's just the part number
They love it though, the later 2.5 block tends to split it's liners even under stock power. Older 2.3 with the right rod combo are the deal.