After 5 days I'm pretty sure she hates me already, and sadly, the feeling is mutual-if not for her insistence on wearing reaction lenses (she's late 20's/early 30's-not 75) for her weirdly laborious formulaic social mores which frankly are at total odds with UK service culture and I refuse to entertain for the money I'm being given. Also, if you laugh after absolutely everything you say regardless of whether it's funny or not you come across as a fucking imbecile, and if you also say "holy crap" that just compounds the general level of cretinousness that you embody in the social stratosphere.
In fairness, for her dealing with someone who doesn't return the programmed prompts she's expecting out of these exchanges it's probably like dealing with someone with Autism, but 'whatever' it's not for me to fit in with her cultural expectations and she should just get busy with being less enthusiastic, motivated, and chipper and accept the fact that her staff could not give a singular joule of fuck towards making our mutual employer more money if it means having to debase ourselves over and above basic politeness.
Anyway TL;DR: My job is shit, and I'm missing the sample sale because of a wedding.
my manager in my new job is American.
After 5 days I'm pretty sure she hates me already, and sadly, the feeling is mutual-if not for her insistence on wearing reaction lenses (she's late 20's/early 30's-not 75) for her weirdly laborious formulaic social mores which frankly are at total odds with UK service culture and I refuse to entertain for the money I'm being given. Also, if you laugh after absolutely everything you say regardless of whether it's funny or not you come across as a fucking imbecile, and if you also say "holy crap" that just compounds the general level of cretinousness that you embody in the social stratosphere.
In fairness, for her dealing with someone who doesn't return the programmed prompts she's expecting out of these exchanges it's probably like dealing with someone with Autism, but 'whatever' it's not for me to fit in with her cultural expectations and she should just get busy with being less enthusiastic, motivated, and chipper and accept the fact that her staff could not give a singular joule of fuck towards making our mutual employer more money if it means having to debase ourselves over and above basic politeness.
Anyway TL;DR: My job is shit, and I'm missing the sample sale because of a wedding.