• Hahah "Go Vegan!"

    I don't understand why people so often claim that veganism is a sign of hipsterdom. I've met only a small handful of them who are vegan.

  • If most of them have become vegan in the past couple years, then it's poser veganism. Simple as. If you didn't give a shit ten years ago, Dont pretend you give a shit now.Bandwagon jumping. It's more fashionable to not be a vegan as you're not succumbing to veganism just because other people are.

    I bet the best part of being a vegan is pretending the food alternatives you should just leave alone taste good. Real vegans back in day wouldn't eat these shitty alternatives because they were real vegans and wouldn't actually want anything to do with a fake version of a food they're supposedly boycotting

    Fakes fakes fakes

    Disclaimer; vegan for 15 years xx
