It's only the 2nd time I've dropped a chain since moving to a 1x setup, but having it happen in a race is annoying especially when my legs were obviously feeling good.
I might need to invest in a chain catcher of some kind. Wasn't there some guy on TTF who was trying to design and 3d print a low profile chain catcher that would be more aero than using an old FD? I'm going to have a derailleur on there then it may as well be cabled up!
I've just started making one out of ali and carbon plate. Trying to work out an easy way of making small aerofoil sections out of aluminium bar. Easy being 'not using a file'. Failing.
It's only the 2nd time I've dropped a chain since moving to a 1x setup, but having it happen in a race is annoying especially when my legs were obviously feeling good.
I might need to invest in a chain catcher of some kind. Wasn't there some guy on TTF who was trying to design and 3d print a low profile chain catcher that would be more aero than using an old FD? I'm going to have a derailleur on there then it may as well be cabled up!