Realised while waking up this morning, that I haven't done anything about routing the gear cables around the bottom bracket.
Whilst it won't be 'period correct', I have just ordered a plastic Campagnolo cable guide (£3.60 from Halfords online)!
This does mean I'll have to take off the cranks and bottom bracket, and drill and tap a hole in the BB shell. Which means yet another delay getting this on the road.
This may be sacrilege but can you simply glue the cable guide to the shell?
I used some contact adhesive to glue a cable guide to the BB shell of my cannondale and it's still there 2 years later.
^ thanks.
Realised while waking up this morning, that I haven't done anything about routing the gear cables around the bottom bracket.
Whilst it won't be 'period correct', I have just ordered a plastic Campagnolo cable guide (£3.60 from Halfords online)!
This does mean I'll have to take off the cranks and bottom bracket, and drill and tap a hole in the BB shell. Which means yet another delay getting this on the road.