• #22802
La Fromagerie are a bunch of dicks, worst service I've ever encountered
• #22803
Tweet deleted.
new page fail.
• #22804
That neatly caricatures just about every 'local' objection to the segregated lanes in the west. "I live in a £5m townhouse and want to be able to nip into the west end by car on a comically bourgeois errand as though London is a quaint little village. These cyclists are elitist I tell you!"
• #22805
just do the usual and troll their facebook page
that'll get their goat(cheese)
• #22806
• #22807
Cycle lanes in Hackney threaten children from World War Two:
• #22808
• #22809
• #22810
top knot fail
• #22811
that looks set up to me.
• #22812
looks a real top knot to me
wig ?
• #22813
What amused me about sofa guy above is that mainstream media is identifying him as a hipster. Is a top-knot and coloured trousers all that is required to qualify these days? He appears to own an estate car FFS!
• #22814
One of those cars with large boots for carrying things?
• #22815
Probably full of vintage vinyl and artisinal kippers.
• #22816
if he went in via the drivers door the angle would be better for getting it in the boot
• #22817
He has a roof rack for fuck's sake.
• #22818
Red Hook crit crash earlier today
https://igcdn-videos-g-4-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t50.2886-16/13107475_487648701419804_1398328003_n.mp4 -
• #22820
I cant think of a single Bollywood film..
Though I do know its great for the economy.. -
• #22821
what does he think the follow up question's going to be? what's your favourite swan recipe? posh idiot.
• #22822
it looked like he was going to get away with it for a minute...
• #22823
No, no it didn't. What a half wit.
• #22824
what does he think the follow up question's going to be? what's your favourite swan recipe? posh idiot.
Ha! Trufax.
Only a life of privilege, or the mind of a simpleton, would so woefully prepare someone for interactions like this. There very well may be a follow up, Zac. Just don't lie, you moron.
• #22825
Or at least Google this dude.
I'm in.