There were quite a few on the last page.
It reminded me a bit of my driving test, in that you just need to concentrate and apply everything you've learnt.
One thing I did to counter act my commuter style was talk to myself. So when I was right up behind a car I'd be saying "1-2 bike lengths" and when pulling away at the front of the lights after just doing a right shoulder check I'd be saying "normally you would have checked both shoulders obviously, wouldn't you".
One other thing that might help is if you have a solid colour helmet putting some stickers on the back and sides.
Two different instructior pulled me up for not doing mirror checks. The first might have been right, but by the next day I know I was doing them to death. Because my helmet is black I don't think it was obvious, so I put a load of neon filing stickers on the back edges so when my head moved to the side it was really obvious.
Massive congrats man. Any passing tips? just started my DAS and it's flipping tiring.