The vast, rambling and swiftly-disowned 2010 Ukip manifesto did consider cycling at some length, albeit with considerable eccentricity. Cyclists should be obliged to dismount and walk around roundabouts, the party believed, have compulsory insurance and pay for bike parking.
The 2015 version has none of this, but that’s because cycling is not mentioned once in the 76 pages of the 2015 manifesto.
What is there in the brief section on transport shows Ukip remain the party of the four-wheeled rather than two-wheeled, and too often the speeding, deadly four-wheeled variety. Here’s what they say on speed cameras:
UKIP will only allow installation of speed cameras when they can be used as a deterrent at accident black spots, near schools and in residential areas where there are specific potential dangers. We will not permit speed cameras to be used as revenue-raisers for local authorities.
Ukip would also remove road tolls and do find space in the manifesto for a pledge to end VED on vehicles over 25 years old.
give up now, your party hate you
The vast, rambling and swiftly-disowned 2010 Ukip manifesto did consider cycling at some length, albeit with considerable eccentricity. Cyclists should be obliged to dismount and walk around roundabouts, the party believed, have compulsory insurance and pay for bike parking.
The 2015 version has none of this, but that’s because cycling is not mentioned once in the 76 pages of the 2015 manifesto.
What is there in the brief section on transport shows Ukip remain the party of the four-wheeled rather than two-wheeled, and too often the speeding, deadly four-wheeled variety. Here’s what they say on speed cameras:
UKIP will only allow installation of speed cameras when they can be used as a deterrent at accident black spots, near schools and in residential areas where there are specific potential dangers. We will not permit speed cameras to be used as revenue-raisers for local authorities.
Ukip would also remove road tolls and do find space in the manifesto for a pledge to end VED on vehicles over 25 years old.