I'm currently doing the keto thing. Feels unnatural and unhealthy really, despite the claims otherwise. I've gone full geek mode , peeing on sticks and drinking MCT oil.
I began with the Phil Maffetone suggestions which seem to have merit (low intensity exercise and sensible food) but spent too long on the Internet and fell for the snake oil stuff.
Ran a half marathon last week with zero carbs and felt no ill-effects. Actually felt quite strong.
3kg from my (1st) target weight and then I can have the lasagne my body has been crying out for.
Not sure if that will help the cravings though! They have a beef version at the bottom.
Been doing low carb myself, but not too strictly, seems to help a bit, but not sure.Half mara on 0 carbs is pretty good though?
Been on low carb/ketogenic/ Atkins or whatever eating less than 50g of carbs is called, for nearly 2 weeks.
I was doing great until last night, I couldn't stave off a hypo. Queue 4 slices of Nutella laden binge.
Feel like shit this morning, I'd no idea carbs would make feel so ill.
According to shitty scales I've lost nearly a stone, just 3 more to go.
Plus keto breath isn't pleasant is it, lols.