• I got indrad on the way in today. I was filtering up the inside of a queue of cars in the cycle lane on Peckham Rd when a driver suddenly turned across me into a side road. I think it was a last minute decision to avoid sitting in the queue. She left me with no choice but to veer hard left and I hit her read passenger door. It was a pretty low speed impact and I think I semi threw the bike/jumped out the way. We had a bit of a stern wtf conversation, but stupidly I didn't get her details. I think I was just a bit caught up in the moment and glad not to have been hurt, and I think she's paid the price with the damage to her car.

    Anyway the upshot is the impact somehow bent my DS crank and the rear triangle is misaligned. Plus she ran over my glasses!
    There is a small ding in the chainstay where it looks like the spider hit but I can't tell if it's fresh or not. The chrome is slightly pitted so it may have already been there. You can see from the string measurements that the DS stay is 10mm out. I haven't fully stripped it down to look at everything closely, but can this be cold set back, or is it dead?


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