True, and the bearing seats thread onto the axle from outside, rather than than the inboard axle/seat arrangement of the Formula hub in the tutorial
I think when I replaced mine, I just used an old 10mm axle as a drift to poke into the hub and whack the opposing bearing (in a criss-cross whacking sequence) out using a hammer.
I forget that I used to rest the hub body on... Think I might have centred the wheel over an oversized socket that the bearing could fall into.
Once the first one is out, you could thread an old bearing seat onto an axle and whack in a similar fashion to the tutorial.
You might want to wear earplugs during removal - the whole wheel resonates and the noise is incredibly loud and piercing.
OK thanks @Lukas and @Scilly.Suffolk
However with the tri spoke there isn't anything to rest the hub on to support it. Suggestions on removal?
I'll just use the old bearings to push new ones in the , that's a good idea.