Think 4h first night, 3 2nd and none 3rd. Rode liek 36h straight!
Was mental, fun too.Watched the giro on the first day, so loads more stopped time than real.
30,000ft more elevation that this years TCR from Clemont - Croatia, in same distance ;)
I reckon come through Jura, then cross from switzerland into italy between turin and milan, then head through tuscany. Seems simplest way.
Crude eg.Or this would be nice...
If you take the route similar to @skinny suggested, and hit the alps around Geneva you can cross over the Great St Bernard pass between Switzerland -> Italy and then take the Aosta Valley which is gorgeous.
I walked over it in November and there's a monastery at the top at 8000ft you stay at for cheap, it is spectacular and well worth the visit. Also the place that St Bernard dogs first came from.
a photo from I took from the front door of the monastery when I was there
Depends if you come down France and tben across alps. Of go through Switzerland and tben into Italy.
Just don't take this route, it's brutal. https://www.strava.com/activities/313351033
I'll help you with a route, if you decide roughly how much climbing you want. Ridden most of that area. Also Swizerland is super expensive, so keep out if saving money!