From Great Lines we descend through the deserted streets of Gillingham down to Lower Rainham.
At this point our route parallels the Medway running a couple hundred metres to the north.
Apparently, as I have never seen it beyond the fields and foliage that line the road; you probably won't either due to it being midnight..
The direction of travel naturally leads astute minds to assume that the evil Basser Hill will be included on our itinerary. To minimise waiting, keep the ride flowing and help save rider energy for the following 90KMs I have found a less depleting diversion around Lower Halstow's most feared col.
Over Kemsly, a forgettable little town enhanced greatly a few years ago with a cycle path that negates actually having to travel through it (on the B2006).
A few deep breaths and we are back into darkness with the undulating 7KM of Lower Road that leads towards Faversham. This is one of the longest stretches of countryside on our journey without turns or distractions; an opportunity to experience what this ride is about. Hopefully we will get some stars rather than the usual British blanket of clouds..
Another empty town in the dead of night then down to the Medway's estuary and the North Sea..
From Great Lines we descend through the deserted streets of Gillingham down to Lower Rainham.
At this point our route parallels the Medway running a couple hundred metres to the north.
Apparently, as I have never seen it beyond the fields and foliage that line the road; you probably won't either due to it being midnight..
The direction of travel naturally leads astute minds to assume that the evil Basser Hill will be included on our itinerary. To minimise waiting, keep the ride flowing and help save rider energy for the following 90KMs I have found a less depleting diversion around Lower Halstow's most feared col.
Over Kemsly, a forgettable little town enhanced greatly a few years ago with a cycle path that negates actually having to travel through it (on the B2006).
A few deep breaths and we are back into darkness with the undulating 7KM of Lower Road that leads towards Faversham. This is one of the longest stretches of countryside on our journey without turns or distractions; an opportunity to experience what this ride is about. Hopefully we will get some stars rather than the usual British blanket of clouds..
Another empty town in the dead of night then down to the Medway's estuary and the North Sea..