• #352
No, any attention will do. It doesn't matter what it is. Remember that the stuff people post here isn't really an expression of them wanting to mildly curse her. It is actually an expression of people being quite outraged, otherwise they wouldn't bother posting. If what she said just dropped into a dark well and nobody cared, she'd be out of a job writing columns pretty quickly. I'm obviously aware of the irony in even discussing this.
• #353
Yeah, the thing is though, I don't even think she's real. I mean, sure, she exists and all that but there's a precedent for these characters/pundits/whatever for just being mouthpieces for corporations and made by teams of interns.
Take Milo Yiannopolous, for example. Similar to KH in a lot of ways but he's actually not really this single entity with all these opinions - he's just a mechanism to generate clicks.
That's all these people are, revenue channels. Their opinions (probably) aren't even real or their own. -
• #354
I hope that as she types in her browser's address bar to show her boss something really cool she found at the weekend, the URL auto fills with suggestions of several of her usual rough sex and asian fetish tumblr favourites, and after several days of awkward eye contact and stilted small talk is left with the uneasy feeling that there is a possibility her boss did actually notice.
• #355
Hatie Kopkins.
• #356
I hope she learns to love.
• #357
i loved it when she died on question time with will self and dimbledee, i hope she does that more often
• #358
I hope that she contributes to an innocuously amusing thread on an internet forum and quite enjoys it but then people who didn't participate come along and complain that it's not funny enough and has gone on too long prompting over-analysis and self justification from those that did, killing the thread in the process.
• #359
I hope she puts a roast potato in her mouth and realises she's loaded her plate with roast parsnips.
• #360
I hope she realises her name is actually an anagram of Peak Oink Shit.
• #361
I'm sure when she shagged that guy in a field, getting over the fence was A Kinkiest Hop.
• #362
She's such a Hate Icon Skip.
• #363
Something something out for a drink with a forumenger at a Japanese bar sonething Pint Sake Hoke.
• #364
I hope she is making some hotdogs for her family and finally gets around to making hers and the the last bun splits in half.
• #365
I hope she gets up in the morning and really wants a boiled egg, cracks it open with buttered soldiers on the side waiting to be dunked, only to realise that she's boiled it too long, resulting in it being hard boiled... nips back to the fridge only to find it was the last one.
• #366
in Katie Hopkins's defence, at least she's not Kelvin "cuntface" MacKenzie.
• #367
i hope she gets the opportunity to swing both ways...
..preferably from a rope.
• #368
I hope she buys a nice new 24" Sony Vaio touchscreen all in one PC and comes home to discover her daughter trying to trace a picture with a pencil and a piece of A4 paper held up on the screen.
• #369
I hope she goes to make her coffee in the morning, and the beans are all gone. And she was at the shop yesterday.
• #370
I hope she has all the tribulations hoped for by previous posters actual tribulations.
• #371
i hope she goes to pets at home in croydon and spends 45 minutes trying to get out of the carpark. seriously, fuck that place.
• #372
I hope she makes it home from the pub, absolutely bursting for a piss, only to accidentally piss herself when she put her keys in the door.
• #373
Ahaaahaha I turned in there by accident once, worse mistake eva.
• #374
Just seen a tweet saying that if Sadiq Khan wins, then she'll run down Regent Street naked with a sausage up her arse
• #375
Conservative clearly resorting to vile threats then.
I agree but what makes this thread funny are the posts that are completely banal and harmless. It's a way of reacting in the least reactionary way and would be unlikely to get any response or encourage her.
People like that feed more on the "fuck off and die!" Stuff - this is far more affectionate (mostly) which is why it just keeps giving.
You could even look at it from the perspective that Katie Hopkins has inspired something wonderful and positive with this thread and has inadvertently been a muse for good vibes, which is just beautifully ironic.