Are you sure there was another couple?
Agents often invent another couple in order to get your offer up.
It's one of the techniques that was employed by a guy I worked for and fundamentally why I no longer work in that line of business. The manager and the sales manager expected me to follow suit and lie to potential buyers.
Something I wasn't prepared to do.
We matched the offer and it was accepted, but it left us pissed off with the other couple for not accepting the 'deal' that we'd all agreed re the survey race, and for pushing up the price, and we were pissed off with the buyer for also reneging that the survey race would be final
And then dropped the offer by the same amount on the day of exchange I hope?
I completed on a 3-bed in Forest Gate on Thursday and picked up the keys on Friday. It has taken us 3 months from first viewing the property to completion.
A cautionary tale; we originally bid exactly the same as another couple for the property. We both raised our offer by exactly the same amount, twice. The estate agents agreed with the seller that to avoid us continuing in a bidding war we would have a 'survey race' - the first person to have their mortgage company call the estate agent to book in a survey on the property would have their offer accepted. Effectively, this would show who was in the position to advance the sale quickest, and the seller was keen to move fast. We won, and our offer was accepted.
The following day the other couple put in a bid £7,500 higher and the buyer accepted it. We were obviously fucking furious. We matched the offer and it was accepted, but it left us pissed off with the other couple for not accepting the 'deal' that we'd all agreed re the survey race, and for pushing up the price, and we were pissed off with the buyer for also reneging that the survey race would be final.
I don't know what we could have done to avoid this, but I'd never heard of such a thing so thought it was worth sharing.