I've taken some tiles back to follow this lead pipe, and it actually converts into a rusty iron pipe via a compression fitting (around middle of photo). Nearer the left hand side the iron pipe seems to be slowly leaking as the surrounding plaster has a damp feel and has discoloured black. I think I'm just going to cap-off this whole section and ask a plumber to tee-off the lead main with new copper piping to feed the ground floor.
(I've obviously already capped-off the sink which I've just ripped off the wall too).
I've taken some tiles back to follow this lead pipe, and it actually converts into a rusty iron pipe via a compression fitting (around middle of photo). Nearer the left hand side the iron pipe seems to be slowly leaking as the surrounding plaster has a damp feel and has discoloured black. I think I'm just going to cap-off this whole section and ask a plumber to tee-off the lead main with new copper piping to feed the ground floor.
(I've obviously already capped-off the sink which I've just ripped off the wall too).
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