Yeah, the thing is though, I don't even think she's real. I mean, sure, she exists and all that but there's a precedent for these characters/pundits/whatever for just being mouthpieces for corporations and made by teams of interns.
Take Milo Yiannopolous, for example. Similar to KH in a lot of ways but he's actually not really this single entity with all these opinions - he's just a mechanism to generate clicks.
That's all these people are, revenue channels. Their opinions (probably) aren't even real or their own.
Yeah, the thing is though, I don't even think she's real. I mean, sure, she exists and all that but there's a precedent for these characters/pundits/whatever for just being mouthpieces for corporations and made by teams of interns.
Take Milo Yiannopolous, for example. Similar to KH in a lot of ways but he's actually not really this single entity with all these opinions - he's just a mechanism to generate clicks.
That's all these people are, revenue channels. Their opinions (probably) aren't even real or their own.