I was 75.8kg this morning. Which is just 200g under my average for the last month. So loss, such amaze.
Still, seeing the 75 on my scales a few days in a row makes me think <75kg is a weight I can easily substain while training (and thus fueling) kinda hard.
I have a somewhat unambitous W/Kg FTP target of 4 for 2016. Currently need 10w and 800g.
Hoping both will fall into Place when it stops fucking snowing and I can get outside properly.
I was 75.8kg this morning. Which is just 200g under my average for the last month. So loss, such amaze.
Still, seeing the 75 on my scales a few days in a row makes me think <75kg is a weight I can easily substain while training (and thus fueling) kinda hard.
I have a somewhat unambitous W/Kg FTP target of 4 for 2016. Currently need 10w and 800g.
Hoping both will fall into Place when it stops fucking snowing and I can get outside properly.