Aye. Had a quick read this afternoon. Making at tyre boot seems the best longterm fix, but as you say, a flexible glue and some sort of patch on the inside seems to be ok. Found a large tube of flexible rubber bonding adhesive (no idea what I bought it for many moons ago) in the shed, stuck a tube patch with overlay of old innertube on the inside, let it go off, then filled the hole from the outside with the frba, seems fine. Will report back if rear tyre explodes.
Aye. Had a quick read this afternoon. Making at tyre boot seems the best longterm fix, but as you say, a flexible glue and some sort of patch on the inside seems to be ok. Found a large tube of flexible rubber bonding adhesive (no idea what I bought it for many moons ago) in the shed, stuck a tube patch with overlay of old innertube on the inside, let it go off, then filled the hole from the outside with the frba, seems fine. Will report back if rear tyre explodes.