Gather round for a romantic story. This is the first track frameset I've bought. I've rescued it from a shed almost exactly 2 years ago and paid 10 quid for it. I've immediately sold it because I thought it would be too big for me. Since then it had 3 owners and it's finally with me, hopefully forever. As for the frame itself - it's a rather unique Romet Wicher, mainly because the geometry isn't shit. A bit rusty on the outside, just like I bought it first. Generally, not much has changed over 2 years, someone must've just polished it.
Gather round for a romantic story. This is the first track frameset I've bought. I've rescued it from a shed almost exactly 2 years ago and paid 10 quid for it. I've immediately sold it because I thought it would be too big for me. Since then it had 3 owners and it's finally with me, hopefully forever. As for the frame itself - it's a rather unique Romet Wicher, mainly because the geometry isn't shit. A bit rusty on the outside, just like I bought it first. Generally, not much has changed over 2 years, someone must've just polished it.
1 by Czarne Trampki, on Flickr